In 1946, the Lions Cancer Control Fund of Indiana, Inc. began as the state’s first project in Indiana at the state convention held in South Bend, Indiana. Past District Governor…
Read more1947
The first equipment purchase, in 1947, was a megavolt cobalt unit from U.S. Army surplus after World War II for $50,343. This cancer treatment equipment was obtained for an expanded…
Read more1960-1968
Fund raising efforts and activities continued to grow. During the 1960s, several major equipment purchases were made. For example, 1960: Eldorado Cobalt Stationery unit, 1964: 2 Million Volt Treatment unit,…
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The Picker Cobalt-60 unit was given to the Indiana University School of Medicine in 1968 by the Indiana Lions. There are several thousand Cobalt-60 teletherapy units in use throughout the…
Read more1973
In 1973, the Indiana Lions Cancer Control Fund, Inc. accepted its greatest challenge to date. The purchase of a 40 MeV (million electron volt) Linear Accelerator Sagittaire was purchased for…
Read more1976
Keeping pace with rapidly changing technology the need for a treatment simulator was realized. The Lions responded with this purchase in 1976. The simulator was used to plan the treatment…
Read more1983
April 1983, the Lions saw an increased need to help patients battle cancer within the IU Department of Radiation Oncology. The Indiana Lions Cancer Control Fund, Inc. provided the Medical…
Read more1986
In 1986, a new dimension was added to the partnership of Indiana University Department of Radiation Oncology, and the Indiana Lions Cancer Control Fund, Inc. A patient advocate and liaison,…
Read more1988-1991
Improvements to the Laboratory Research Building were funded in part by Indiana Lions in 1988 for $150,000 and equipment purchases for the lab of 163,935 were given to complete the…
Read more1996
The physicians and physicists of the Department of Radiation Oncology designed plans for a moving table, which would be used for leukemia and lymphoma patients. This moving table enabled bone…
Read more1997
The Gamma Knife was activated on September 7, 1997, and is used to treat malignant and benign tumors of the brain, vascular malformations, and facial pain conditions. The Gamma Knife…
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The Stereotactic Body Frame was acquired as a part of the Gamma Knife purchase and was the first of this type in the United States. It is used in the…
Read more2000
To acknowledge the Lions of Indiana reaching the halfway point in their one million dollar commitment, the Indiana University School of Medicine hosted an open house at the State Lions…
Read more2006-2008
In 2006, Cancer Control funds were used to purchase research equipment for the IU Radiobiology and Cancer Research Laboratory (a division of the Department of Radiation Oncology). Such instruments as…
Read more2008 – To Present
In 2008 to Present, the Lions Young Adult Cancer Survivorship Endowment was developed. $447,485 was gifted to create the Endowment which is used specifically for issues of youth survivorship. Each…
Read more2013-2014
Radiation Biology and Cancer Research, Dynlacht Lab was supported in 2013-14, with the purchase of necessary equipment, granting $23,000 to conduct seed experiments. Once the experiments were complete, grant applications…
Read more2016-2018
2016-18 Radiation Biology and Cancer Research, Mendonca Lab was granted $70,000 to support Technical Research efforts within the physical laboratory. In 2017, Lions Cancer Control Fund also supported a new…
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